News, Images, & Videos

The latest news, images, and videos from Archimandrite Juvenal Repass serving in Brazil can be accessed below. Please complete a contact request for additional information about his ministry.

 OCMC Prayer Card - Archimandrite Juvenal Repass

Archimandrite Juvenal Repass Prayer Card Front & Back

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Fr. Juvenal serving at Dormition Parish in Brazil   Fr. Juvenal serving at Dormition Parish in Brazil  Fr. Juvenal's first Liturgy at Dormition Parish in Brazil
 Previous Visit 1  Previous Visit 2 - Parish of the Dormition  Previous Visit 3
 Previous Visit 4  Fr. Juvenal Arrival in Brazil 1  Fr. Juvenal Arrival in Brazil 2
 Fr. Juvenal Arrival in Brazil 4
 OCMC Staff Visit to Guatemala  OCMC Staff Visit to Guatemala 2  Guatemala - Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe 3
 Guatemala - Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe 2  Guatemala - Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe 1  



Meet OCMC Missionary - Archimandrite Juvenal Repass

Interview - "Matters of Conscience" with Fr. Eugene Pappas (Audio Only)